Purdue University Saves $400,000 per Year by Replacing its Central Lab Vacuum System
Location of the job: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
A brief history of the problem
Purdue wanted a solution for the existing vacuum system that incurred water and sewerage costs for their Biochemistry building up to $400,000 per year. They were not only using nearly 60 million gallons of water per year, but there were also substantial costs to produce the steam ($73,000) as well electricity costs. As with every university that faces pressures on tuition levels and operating costs, Purdue saw the very high operating costs as a potential source of savings for the university. Finding a adaptable vacuum solution that was both scalable and could be installed in an existing historic building was the challenge that VACUU-LAN lab vacuum systems solved.
What was needed for the solution
Purdue evaluated two options to replace the buildings vacuum source. The decision was clear: the modular approach had comparable capital costs to a central system, but lower operating costs. It also had the edge in the ease of installation, on demand vacuum option, chemical resistance, risk of cross contamination and, lower maintenance. Purdue chose to install the local vacuum network.
How it was solved, including design objectives and economic benefits
There can be some very significant opportunities for operating savings by taking a close look at the cost of lab utilities and it is worth taking the time to do the analysis. By taking a modular, lab-by-lab approach, a “minimally invasive” construction project was rolled out with only limited disruption to on- going operations. The modular approach contributed to the adaptability of a science building over time, preserving the value of capital facilities. The quality of the vacuum – both depth of vacuum and stability eliminated the need for more individual pumps that would otherwise be needed to compensate for the limitations of central vacuum performance. Overall, the project was undertaken to achieve operating savings, but also provided technical advantages to lab operations, enhancing scientific practice while reducing costs.
BRANDTECH® Scientific
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