Clean coils
A twist-lock UVC emitter designed for side-access installations allows up to six units to be connected to slide into an air handler to destroy microbes with ultraviolet light. The unit's high output in moving and cold air prevents microbial growth and destroys microorganisms using ultraviolet light in the C range.
Steril-Aire Inc.
Reader Service No. 286
In the zone
Designed to be used when it is impractical to install standard zone dampers, such as in existing construction, the AZR Automatic Zone Register works with most zone control systems and can stand alone with its own thermostat.
Jackson Systems LLC.
Reader Service No. 282
All in the wrapping
A resilient blanket-type insulation for ductwork is composed of glass fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin to control heat loss and condensation. Faced Duct Wrap Insulation allows ductwork to handle conditioned air from 35 F to 250 F while the unfaced version can handle up to 350 F. Available with foil scrim kraft or vinyl film vapor retardant facing, it includes a 2-in.-wide stapling and taping tab on one edge.
CertainTeed Corp.
Reader Service No. 284
Venting fire
A domed automatic fire vent offers low-profile design with enhanced thermal insulation. The Lumivent provides daylight, energy efficiency and automatic fire venting. It is designed to open automatically to allow smoke, heat and gases to escape from a burning building. It is suitable for buildings with expanses of unobstructed space such as factories, warehouses, auditoriums and retail facilities.
The Bilco Co.
Reader Service No. 289
Pocket guide
The 2001 ASHRAE Pocket Guide provides data from ASHRAE Handbook charts, tables, graphs and equations, including the 2001 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals. New information includes absorption refrigerants, ground source heat pumps, sorbents and desiccants and updated refrigeration safety standard information.
Reader Service No. 287
Armed combat
Constructed of lightweight polyvinyl chloride joints and steel tubes, fume extractor arms that are 2 inches in diameter and 3 feet or 41/2 feet long are offered with a built-in damper and a bracket. Applications include laboratories and soldering locations.
Oskar Antipollution.
Reader Service No. 288
Cooling performance
An airfoil profile blade design in diameters from 16 inches to 49 inches produces a combination of high air volume, low power consumption and low noise. Manufactured from injection-molded engineered thermoplastic or cast aluminum blades and pressure die-cast aluminum hubs, the Multi-Wing Z Series Fan is suitable for HVAC, industrial and engine-cooling applications.
Crowley Co. Inc.
Reader Service No. 285
Heat it up!
Large boiler modules offer higher part-load efficiency and lower standby losses. Flex-Heat systems are redundant — if one module shuts down, the remaining modules provide heat until the problem is corrected.
Peerless Heater Co.
Reader Service No. 279