DanaLite's low-profile DL100 modular, linear LED lighting system provides a miniature directional source for white light applications. Lifespan: 50,000 hours.
Applications: Casework, display lighting, retail, grocery, under-cabinet uses, nursing stations, hotel reception areas, coves, architectural details
Availability: Nationwide
Cost: Call for pricing information
Contents: Plastic lens covers an extruded aluminum base with an electronic circuit board
Options/Sizes: 12-inch modules, ½-inch tall and 1-inch wide. Available in 3000, 4100, and 5000 Calvin color temperature. Linkable up to 16 feet.
Environmental attributes: RoHS compliant; no PCBs, no mercury
Contact: Juno Lighting Group, 800-367-5866, www.junolightinggroup.com
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