Sealed tight
Silicone sealants and extruded silicone seals are key weatherproofing components in the new 35-story Mayfair Renaissance condo project in Atlanta, part of a twin high-rise structure designed by Atlanta-based Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart, Stewart & Associates. To assure the sealant would be able to withstand water and air infiltration, the building's EIFS exterior was subject to simulations of 120-mph hurricane force wind in a special chamber, confirming the sealant's weatherproofing performance. Expansion joints between the EIFS panels were sealed with the 790 Silicone Building Sealant, an ultra-low modulus, high-elongation material designed to deliver good adhesion to a wide range of substrates, including masonry, stone, wood, steel, aluminum, and plastics. The material's very low modulus was a key feature in the new design to avoid stressing the EIFS panels at the bond line.
Dow Corning.
Reader Service No. 304
Built to last
Kier Construction of Ogden, Utah, chose a Direct-Applied Exterior Finish System (DEFS) for a 14-acre retail/office complex in Clearfield, Utah, in order to achieve a smooth look. The 170,000-sq.-ft. town square development has water-durable substrates that provide moisture protection and impact resistance.
Reader Service No. 308
Concrete to last
Concrete admixture acts as a sealant in parking garages, bridges, wastewater treatment plants, or any other facilities subject to accelerated and corrosion concrete failure induced by the environment. According to the American Concrete Institute's Concrete Innovations Appraisal Service (CIAS), Ipanex can "enhance the service life of reinforced concrete by providing corrosion protection." After the CIAS conducted a CRD-C 48 water permeability test, they found significant reductions in the depth of penetration of water into concrete, as well as the volume of concrete penetrated by water, in buidings where the sealant was applied.
IPA Systems Inc.
Reader Service No. 307
Sealant approved
Polyurethane sealant achieved AAMA 802.3 Type I and Type II Certification for use as a back bedding glazing compound. The Sikaflex-221SF is solvent-free to be environmentally friendly and available in 10.3-ounce cartridges and 20-ounce unipacks and drums, in several colors.
Sika Corp.
Reader Service No. 300
On the surface
Fiberglass duct liner is, according to its maker, 40% more moisture resistant than its predecessor. The surface helps alleviate moisture that may enter a duct system due to improperly sealed duct joints or poorly installed and maintained duct systems. The ToughGard R with Enhanced Surface is designed for systems operating at velocities up to 6,000 fpm and temperatures up to 250 F. According to the manufacturer, the moisture-resistant surface improves thermal efficiency by reducing heat loss or gain, decreasing HVAC system operating costs and energy consumption.
CertainTeed Corp.
Reader Service No. 301
Hot seal
Sealant series is spray applied hot, literally curing as it bonds to a substrate, to create a permanent, seamless, airtight seal for steel and concrete applications. The RSM Series is made of crumb rubber from recycled tires, polyurethane, asphalt, and other chemical agents.
Reader Service No. 305
Change of color
Gray silicone sealant is less visible and offers less contrast than the standard black silicone sealant, creating a more seamless aesthetic look in building, says the manufacturer. Used to insulate glass products, the gray sealant has the same insulating properties as the traditional black version.
Reader Service No. 303
Cooling off
Heat-reflective coatings, developed for metal construction applications, meet the EPA's Energy Star specifications for "cool roofs." The Ultra-Cool coatings were created by the Cool Metal Roofing Coalition to prevent the "urban heat island" effect, an increase in energy consumption in metal roofs.
Reader Service No. 302