National Architecture Week, which this year falls on April 13-19, was created to encourage a public dialogue about architecture. Such conversations are especially pressing as communities across America discuss how best to invest the funds of the recent stimulus law. To accommodate this urgency, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is using social media to open and foster greater participation by the public and AIA members to employ design thinking to transform today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities.
The AIA Facebook group page will be used to provide a broad range of knowledge resources from the National component. However, state and local components, individual members, and the public are likewise being encouraged to import material to the site. This could include information about design awards, videos, or local advocacy and public outreach initiatives. The goal is to enable, not control, conversations that will identify opportunities to apply the skills of the architecture profession to the particular needs of individual communities.
If you already have a Facebook account, go to the homepage and type “Virtual National Architecture Week” in the “search” box. That will take you to the site hosted by the AIA. Once there, view the resources, add resources of your own, and participate in the conversation. If you are not already on Facebook, it’s easy to join and it is free. Google “Facebook.” After you create an account with your own password, you will be able to participate.
There will be a special focus each day during National Architecture:
· Monday, the 13th - Community Revitalization· Tuesday, the 14th - School Construction· Wednesday, the 15th - Affordable Housing· Thursday, the 16th - Sustainability· Friday, the 17th - Inclusiveness· Saturday, the 18th - Historic Preservation· Sunday, the 19th - Future of the ProfessionYour organization and members are encouraged to participate in the conversations and contribute projects, images, video or information to our Virtual Architecture Week celebration.