Codes and Standards

U.S. Army outlines ambitious renewable energy and decarbonization goals

Feb. 18, 2022

The U.S. Army recently released its climate strategy that includes ambitious renewable energy and decarbonization goals.

The plan calls for installing a microgrid at every Army base by 2035, reaching net-zero emissions in all procurements by 2050, and fielding electric combat vehicles by 2050. The Army aims to improve climate resilience and will educate troops on the effects of climate change including its contribution to weather extremes.

The plan is broken into three categories of effort: installations, acquisitions and logistics, and training. It includes intermediate objectives with specific deadlines to reach the ultimate goal of net-zero Army emissions by 2050.

The microgrid goal supports two objectives—cutting emissions as much as possible to mitigate climate change and improving resilience to climate change that could make existing grids unreliable because of increased extreme weather events.

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