Codes and Standards

Investors want building resiliency plans and risk mitigation practices

Dec. 9, 2020

Real estate investors are increasingly interested in resiliency plans and management best practices regarding the ability of buildings and developments to withstand severe storms and other natural events.

Potential investors want to know about procedures for identifying, mitigating, and disclosing the risks posed by climate change and natural disasters. Investors care about maximizing rent by minimizing risks, and preventative measures are critical, writes Tony Liou, president of Partner Energy, Inc., a provider of energy efficiency consulting services.

Owners can reduce fire risk by cleaning detritus around buildings, and reduce flood damage by relocating mission critical equipment away from flood-prone areas. Such steps can minimize property downtime that would result from expensive and long repairs requiring the property to be vacated.

Owners should conduct an assessment to determine which mitigation measures to adopt based on costs and the business plan. Then they should analyze whether they have adequate insurance coverage for risks that are too costly to mitigate.

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