Codes and Standards

National Infrastructure Performance Council to address ‘national security crisis’

Nov. 12, 2019

A new advocacy group, the National Infrastructure Performance Council, has been launched with the aim of doubling the annual level of investment in infrastructure through 2030.

The council, consisting of business, finance, and policy leaders wants to address “an urgent national security crisis posed by America’s crumbling infrastructure.” The group is spearheaded by founding members Hank Greenberg, chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc., and General (Ret.) David Petraeus. 

During his recent keynote address, Petraeus said a very senior official in the White House, ideally the President or someone supported and empowered by the President, should drive the effort. Petraeus noted how leading economists say the time is right for infrastructure initiatives given that interest rates are so relatively low and likely headed lower.

“Our country needs an infrastructure stimulus from the public and private sector in order to grow,” Greenberg said. “The decisions we make now will represent long-term investment that will serve our country for the next 30-40 years.”

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