Codes and Standards

New York City among the top hotel construction pipelines in the United States

Nov. 8, 2019
2 min read

In the most recent Lodging Econometrics (LE) Construction Pipeline Trend report on New York City, LE states that New York City has a total of 155 projects/26,605 rooms in the construction pipeline, one of the top three largest pipelines in the U.S. Of this total, hotels presently under construction are at 102 projects/17,504 rooms, projects scheduled to start construction in the next 12 months are at 23 projects/3,637 rooms, and those in early planning are at 30 projects/5,464 rooms.

The three market tracts with the largest hotel construction pipelines are: Midtown South, the area between 24th and 36th Streets, with 33 projects/7,620 rooms; the greater New York City Area, which includes Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island, with 28 projects/2,436 rooms; and the East River area, which includes Queens and Brooklyn West, with 27 projects/4,499 rooms. These three important market tracts combined account for 55% of the rooms in New York City’s total construction pipeline. 

The market tracts with the most projects presently under construction are Midtown South with 25 projects/6,012; the East River area with 18 projects/2,925 rooms; and JFK/Jamaica, which includes the area of Queens from the Grand Central Parkway south, the JFK Airport area and Jamaica, with 15 projects/2,055 rooms.

LE’s forecast for new hotel openings predicts that New York City will lead the nation for new hotel openings in 2019 with 41 projects/6,809 rooms. In 2020, New York is again forecast to top the list of new hotel openings with 61 projects/8,283.

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