U.S. military demands landlords address health hazards in troop housing
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Three branches of the U.S. military are more intently scrutinizing housing landlord Balfour Beatty Communities with concerns over health hazards and maintenance practices, according to a Reuters report.
The Air Force issued an ultimatum for Balfour Beatty to submit a plan to resolve concerns with serious life, health, and safety issues within 90 days in housing at all 21 Air Force bases where it operates troop housing. If the company fails to make improvements promptly, the Air Force will begin a formal dispute process that could result in financial penalties and termination of its operating agreement with Balfour Beatty, Reuters reported.
According to Reuters, records show Air Force personnel at Tinker had questioned the accuracy of the company’s maintenance logs multiple times. Some families at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma were exposed to asbestos, sewage, vermin, and mold, Reuters reported.
The Army docked more than 50% of Balfour Beatty’s financial bonuses at three bases this year. Other housing landlords also had fees withheld.