BD+C University Course

Sandwich cladding primer [AIA course]

April 24, 2019

Sandwich claddings consist of a panel or shell made of two durable, resilient face sheets and a low-density insulating core, often with a decorative or otherwise attractive face. They can produce an exceptionally strong and sustainable system for enclosures. 

Enclosures systems made with these hybrids combine structural rigidity with low weight. Sandwich panels come in numerous composite combinations: structural insulated panels (SIP), insulated metal panels (IMP) including aluminum composites, translucent fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) assemblies, high-strength and structural glazings, fiber-cement faced products, carbon FRP skins, and a variety of thin-stone claddings.

Learning Objectives:
After reading this article, you should be able to:
• Discuss the differences in design, structural integrity, and insulating capacity between various types of sandwich claddings.
• Describe the basic function of insulated claddings and how they impact building performance, including composite panels faced with stone, metal, and magnesium-oxide cement.
• List two or more cladding materials and technologies that can improve the performance of building enclosures.
• Explain how IMPs, CSIPs, and FRPs can contribute to façade function in composite panels exteriors.



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