Emissions for buildings and construction have peaked, UN says
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Greenhouse gas emissions appear to have leveled off, according to findings from the United Nations Environment organization
Though emissions from the sector were flat from 2015-2017, they still represent about a third of the global emissions that cause climate change. Nevertheless, the progress being made in designing and constructing greener buildings has helped to hold the line on emissions.
The positive finding was a rare bright spot amid warnings from a UN meeting in Katowice, Poland that not enough is being done to stop the planet heating up. The meeting is aimed at meeting a deadline to agree on rules on how to enforce the Paris Climate Agreement.
Global carbon emissions are projected to rise nearly 3% this year, scientists said. To encourage energy-efficient buildings, nations could push for better insulation and windows by revamping building codes and setting up energy certification schemes, according to a UN report. Actions to lower emissions from common building materials like cement and steel, whose manufacturing generates large amounts of carbon, would also be productive, the report said.