Wide variations in adoption of National Electric Code could jeopardize safety
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Wide variations in state adoptions of the National Electrical Code (NEC) raise safety concerns, according to a report by NFPA Fire & Policy Institute.
For example, the Kentucky legislature recently passed a bill that loosens provisions of the electric code. The bill opens the door to potentially deadly shortcuts, according to a report at Code Watcher.
The NFPA report found that code adoption is under heavier political scrutiny, leading to delays and decisions motivated by factors other than safety concerns. Compliance costs are often the overriding concern during code adoption deliberations, without consideration of the benefits, the report says.
The report also encourages states to establish or maintain an electrical board, and to adopt new updates to the NEC as soon as each one is available, rather than waiting to adopt the NEC with other construction codes.