University Buildings

New living/learning community replaces two outdated residence halls at Emporia State University

March 7, 2018

Two outdated, aging residence halls on the Emporia State University campus will be replaced with a new $22 million, 324-bed living/learning community. The new facility will comprise 91,000 sf and feature four stories and three residential wings, each with a variety of bedroom configurations, including doubles, accessible doubles, singles, and singles + bathroom.

The residential wings were designed with lounge areas, corridors with natural light, and community bathrooms. The new facility also includes a learning commons area that features two music practice rooms, an art studio, a team study room, a mid-sized classroom, flexible collaboration space, and two-story lounges with community kitchens.

Schallenkamp Hall, named after the university’s 14th president, is being designed with input from students, faculty, Residential Life, Student Affairs, Building Services, and Information Technology. The building will be constructed directly across Market Street from Beach and King halls.

KWK Architects is the design architect for the project and HTK Architects is the architect-of-record. Schallenkamp Hall is scheduled to open in August 2019.

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