Eager Park opens as health and wellness centerpiece of future mixed-use master plan
By David Malone, Associate Editor
The recently completed Eager Park in East Baltimore was designed to be the centerpiece of the community’s commitment to health and wellness. The 6-acre park sits adjacent to the site of a future 88-acre master plan that will serve as the economic driver for renewal of the city’s east side and comprise life-science research facilities, retail, a school, a hotel, and greenspaces.
Eager Park is currently linked to Johns Hopkins Hospital and provides a place for residents, hospital/research workers, and visitors to socialize, exercise, relax, and play. The park used a number of sustainable building materials, such as approximately 10,000 sf of Kebony modified wood used for pathway decking and benches.
Mahan Rykiel Associates Inc. and Gensler designed the $12.2 million park, which was financed through public funds from a variety of Maryland-centric development grants, along with contributions from private foundations.