
Effort to develop first whole-community resilience benchmarks for buildings, water, and energy launched

Jan. 24, 2018

The International Code Council and the Alliance for National & Community Resilience (ANCR) have begun the development of the nation’s first whole-community resilience benchmarks.

The ANCR technical committee will first focus on creating benchmarks for buildings, water, and energy—core functional areas for all communities. The organization is seeking volunteers for committee openings.

The application deadline for volunteers is February 1. Specialists who are interested in improving resiliency and determining best practices for communities across the U.S. should submit their resumes or curriculum vitae to [email protected] by February 1.

“The ANCR benchmark system will provide communities a transparent, practical, and commonsense self-assessment to quickly and easily gauge their cross-sector resilience efforts,” according to a news release. “It will help communities face the challenges of the 21st century, from vast economic shifts to unprecedented environmental changes.”

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