Codes and Standards

ASHRAE releases new version of Thermal Comfort Standard

Nov. 2, 2017

ASHRAE recently published the updated 2017 Version of Thermal Comfort Standard Standard 55-2017.

The update of the 2013 edition includes a new section with calculations from direct solar radiation. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2017, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy, simplifies the language of the 2013 standard and clarifies the three comfort calculation approaches in Section 5.3.3, "Elevated Air Speed."

The 2017 edition includes the new requirement to calculate the change in occupants' thermal comfort from direct solar radiation. Other additions include simplification of Appendix A to a single procedure for calculating operative temperature; clearly stated requirements and calculation procedures appearing sequentially; an update to the scope to ensure the standard is not used to override health, safety; critical process requirements; and removal of permissive language.

The ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55-2017 is available for $89 for ASHRAE members for $105 for non-members.

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