Net Zero Energy rebranded as ‘Zero Energy’
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
The International Living Future Institute recently rebranded its Net Zero Energy program as “Zero Energy Building Certification.”
The Institute wants to position the certification as the sole standard for achieving top performance in building energy efficiency. ILFI will administer the certification program, and in collaboration with the New Buildings Institute, will operate a joint portal for zero energy buildings, which is still under development.
The standard’s reboot comes as improved solar, lighting, HVAC, and building-envelope technology have put zero energy within reach for more and more buildings, ILFI says. By the end of 2016, New Buildings Institute had verified that 53 buildings in its database produced more renewable energy than the total energy they used. Another 279 were designed to attain zero energy but hadn’t yet performed at that level for a full year.
The new standard eases the path toward certification including eliminating a requirement for a site audit.