
Parks & People Foundation's 'Green Growing Center' in Place at Baltimore's Druid Hill Park

Dec. 5, 2016

The 600-square-foot Growing Green Center has been set in place on its site at Druid Hill Park, Baltimore, by builder Modular Genius.

The facility, designed by Ziger/Snead Architects, will serve as a training and staging center for the city's Parks & People Foundation. Final work on the modular structure is expected to be completed in the next few weeks, with a formal opening ceremony in Q1/2017.

The Growing Green Center was seen on display at Greenbuild 2015, in Washington, D.C., by more than 1,000 attendees. The project was a joint development led by Building Design+Construction, in partnership with the Markline, Modular Genius, Morgan State University, Parks & People Foundation,  U.S. Green Building Council, and Ziger/Snead.

Building product manufacturers donated products for construction of the facility, which was designed to LEED standards. The industry donors: access lighting, Chicago Faucets, Dow Corning, LaCantina Doors, LG, MechoSystems, Modular Building Institute, nora flooring, Valspar, and Zola Windows.

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