State legislature fails to pass law to extend design-build for New York City projects
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Despite proponents’ high expectations, the New York Legislature failed to pass the New York City Public Works Investment Act, which would have extended the authority to use design-build contracts to five New York City agencies.
The Act reportedly had bi-partisan support and had been amended to guarantee project labor agreements. After being tweaked, it was backed by labor and trades groups including the New York Building Congress, Partnership for New York City, the Real Estate Board, the Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York, the NYC Central Labor Council, DC 37, and the General Contractors Association.
The bill also had support from several think tanks and good government groups. The bill died when members of the Assembly and Senate could not resolve differences over a few provisions. Some Assembly members reportedly objected to a lack of provisions for minority and women-owned businesses.
A spokesperson for the mayor said design-build would have aided efforts to update aging infrastructure and build new schools and public housing in the city.