Panasonic is helping builders across the country differentiate themselves with powerful, code compliant indoor air quality solutions that provide a safer environment for home buyers. Builders everywhere work with Panasonic to make healthy indoor living a reality.


Healthy air systems protect builders and owners

Increased public awareness of the hazards posed by indoor pollutants has raised tenant expectations for healthy indoor air. In response, builders, owners and managers of multi...
Jan. 27, 2021
Whisper Warm Dc

Panasonic’s new WhisperWarm DC promises more strategic, top-to-bottom heating

What’s better than a warm bathroom on chilly mornings? Ask Panasonic and they’ll say a warm bathroom that heats your feet as well as your head while delivering code-compliant...
Nov. 17, 2020

Healthy air systems protect builders and owners

Increased public awareness of the hazards posed by indoor pollutants has raised tenant expectations for healthy indoor air. In response, builders, owners and managers of multi...
Oct. 6, 2020
New Reality

Healthy air systems have become the new “standard equipment.”

Americans are spending more time indoors than ever—over 90% according to one EPA-funded study. While the comforts of the 21st century have certainly made indoor time more enjoyable...
Aug. 26, 2020