How Zarillo Building Innovations Utilized One Source for a complete Wall Assembly with Nudura®
Looking to construct a new home to retire to, Bill Zarillo, owner of Zarillo Building Innovations, had some unique needs that contributed to his building material selection. The three biggest necessities for his structure were energy efficiency, handicap accessibility, and weather resiliency. In addition, since the property slopes down to a lake, it would therefore need high basement walls durable enough for the anticipated lake effect wind. The design of the house also included a garage over a garage, which requires incredible wall strength to withstand the weight and movement of automobiles.
Zarillo investigated numerous structural wall options from balloon wall construction, SIPs, to insulated concrete forms (ICFs). Ultimately, he decided on ICFs from Nudura due to the durability, fast installation speed, availability of the product and low cost of construction. This was the first ICF house that he and his team had built so they anticipated a significant learning curve. However, they found it was very easy to assemble, claiming that almost anybody can build with ICF blocks. Zarillo said they simply “built from the corners in and assembled them like a Lego block.”
The concrete was then poured inside the double-sided forms during sub-freezing temperatures with no problems. The tops of the forms were covered to prevent any moisture ingress and to ensure proper curing. From there, they had peace of mind that the house would be secure, vermin-resistant, and durable enough for whatever nature had to throw at it. “Instead of having a safe room, you have a safe house,” Zarillo explained.
The house also incorporated several other products from the Tremco Construction Products Group companies. Tremco’s TUFF-N-DRI® and Warm-N-Dri® waterproofing system was used for the below-grade waterproofing and Enviro-Dri was installed over the ICFs above grade. This application proved to be critical as shortages of their exterior vinyl siding meant that the blocks were exposed longer than anticipated.
“The great thing about Tremco and Nudura is all the compatibility tests have been done. Therefore, I feel secure using an ICF block along with a waterproofing product from Tremco.” The Enviro-Dri protected the blocks and allowed the construction team to move forward on the interior of the building until they could get the siding.
Other Products Used:
ExoAir 110AT air barrier membrane
ExoAir Flex around the windows
TREMProof 260 as a capillary break on top of the footing.
Dymonic 100 urethane sealant
HOMEGA ICF Basement Walls & Ceiling Insulation
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