
Mid-Rise Wood Construction

Feb. 20, 2019

Cost-effective, code-compliant and sustainable, mid-rise wood construction is gaining the attention of design professionals nationwide, who see it as a way to achieve higher density housing at lower cost—while reducing the carbon footprint of their projects. Yet, many familiar with wood construction for two- to four-story residential structures are not aware that the International Building Code (IBC) allows wood-frame construction for five stories and more in building occupancies that range from business and mercantile to multi-family, military, senior, student and affordable housing.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the sustainability and economic benefits of using wood construction for mid-rise buildings.
  • Summarize building code requirements and provisions for mid-rise multi-family woodframe structures.
  • Discuss wood framing solutions that address issues such as shrinkage, fire protection, and seismic requirements while minimizing carbon footprint.
  • Explore innovations in wood framing design techniques and wood product technologies that enhance energy efficiency.

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