Arriscraft thin-clad stone solution provides ASHRAE 90.1 compliance
The Building Codes are changing and are now requiring higher performance requirements for the thermal envelope. The way we once built will be just that, a thing of the past, as the cladding industry evolves. For a long time the building science field has acknowledged the weaknesses of our current construction means and methods, such as conductive heat loss/gain through large amounts of thermal bridging and this is what has driven the most recent changes to the building codes in North America. As such, most of these codes have now adopted ASHRAE 90.1 such as the International Building Code (IBC) in the United States or they adopted a set of standards of their own similar to ASHRAE 90.1 like the supplementary conditions contained in the Ontario Building Code (OBC) SB-10 requirements to achieve better thermal performance in the building envelope. For veneer walls, these updated code requirements now make it mandatory for new construction to reduce thermal bridging and achieve higher effective R-Values (lower U-Values) for the wall assemblies.
For builders and designers seeking ASHRAE 90.1 compliant veneer wall systems, the Arriscraft ARRIS.clip Gridworx assembly is a great option.
In designing the leading-edge Mountain Point Medical Centre in Lehi, Utah, Earl Swensson Associates needed a modern, high-performance façade. Choosing naturally-made Arriscraft stone offered both the aesthetic and durability qualities needed for the project. The smooth ARRIS.clip selection integrated well into the overall modern design of the facility.
The ARRIS.clip thin stone was installed using the Gridworx aluminum stone hanging system and their Discrete Girt / Z-channel assembly, creating a back drained and ventilated open rainscreen façade and providing a system that provided the higher effective R-value they needed to achieve ASHRAE 90.1 compliance.
This Arriscraft ARRIS.clip and Gridworx ASHRAE 90.1 compliant assembly meets or exceeds the thermal requirements for climate zones 1 through 8 (which covers all of North America).
Project Details:
Project: Mountain Point Medical Centre
Location: Lehi, Utah
Architect: Earl Swensson Associates
Product: CSMU-clip (ARRIS-clip Renaissance®) Units, 12” Smooth – Standard (Sunset)