Codes and Standards

ConsensusDocs releases new CM agency contract standard agreement

Aug. 6, 2015

The ConsensusDocs Coalition published a new construction management agency standard agreement, the ConsensusDocs 840 Agreement Between Owner and Design Professional.

The new owner, architect/engineer agreement provides an off-the-shelf contracting document for CM agency contracts. The new agreement is for owners who contract with an architect or engineer who serves as the designer. The design services agreement is intended for use when the owner acts as the construction manager, hires a construction manager, or uses multiple prime contractors.

"The new agreement provides a fair and balanced contractual foundation to assist owners and design professionals in a construction management relationship," says Melissa Beutler, vice-chair of the ConsensusDocs Drafting Council. "Other standard CM agency contracts do a poor job of delineating fees, costs and profit, which inevitably leads to payment issues."

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