
Reconsidering construction robotics

After decades when experts predicted that robots would become more prevalent on construction sites, it would appear that the industry has finally reached that point where necessity, aspiration, and investment are colliding. 


BD+C Blog

The BD+C Blog serves as the primary platform for BD+C's editorial team to opine about all things related to the AEC market, from the latest design tools to green building trends. Building Team Bloggers include Robert Cassidy, Executive Editor (rcassidy@sgcmail.com), David Barista, Editorial Director (dbarista@sgcmail.com), John Caulfield, Senior Editor (jcaulfield@sgcmail.com), and David Malone, Managing Editor (dmalone@sgcmail.com).

Rob Cassidy | Sep 3, 2014

The coming architect/engineer brain drain, or 'Curse of the Baby Boomers'

Architecture, engineering, and (presumably) construction firms will face difficulties with management succession, as tens of thousands of Baby Boomers leave the AEC industry. Who will fill the knowledge gap?

Rob Cassidy | Aug 29, 2014

China Syndrome: How long will U.S. firms keep milking the Middle Kingdom?

U.S. architecture and engineering firms like Goettsch Partners have been enjoying full employment in China. But will there come a point when Chinese officials—and Chinese designers—say, We can handle this? BD+C's Robert Cassidy digs into this issue.


Rob Cassidy | Aug 27, 2014

If you value your life, don't walk in Florida

A report from Smart Growth America on pedestrian fatalities shows that cities in Florida and other parts of the Sunbelt are more deadly than others.

David Barista | Jul 20, 2014

Why every major U.S. city should be nurturing ‘Innovation Hubs’

Today, more than ever, tech districts are the key to economic growth for metro markets. A new report from the Brookings Institution calls tech hubs the superchargers of innovation economies and creators of highly coveted tech jobs.

Rob Cassidy | Jun 8, 2014

What’s the word of the day? It’s all about ‘resiliency’

Just for the sake of argument, let’s put aside the rhetoric about climate change—whether it’s actually happening, whether it’s a result of manmade activity—and agree that we are experiencing some pretty dramatic weather events that are having huge impacts on populations here in the U.S. and worldwide.

David Barista | Apr 25, 2014

How the 'digital natives' will transform your Building Team

The newest generation to enter the workforce is like no other that has come before it. This cohort is the first to grow up with the Internet, mobile technologies, and an “always connected” lifestyle.

Rob Cassidy | Mar 26, 2014

Free transit for everyone! Then again, maybe not

An interesting experiment is taking place in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, where, for the last year or so, its 430,000 residents have been able to ride the city’s transit lines practically for free. City officials hope to pump up ridership by 20%, cut carbon emissions, and give low-income Tallinnites greater access to job opportunities. But is it working?

David Barista | Mar 6, 2014

BD+C wants to hear about your breakthrough ideas and projects for the Giants 300 report

BD+C's 2014 Giants 300 survey form is now available. But completing the survey is just one way to participate in the July Giants issue. 

Rob Cassidy | Mar 4, 2014

If there’s no ‘STEM crisis,’ why build more STEM schools?

Before you get your shorts in a knot, I have nothing against science, technology, engineering, or even mathematics; to the contrary, I love all four “STEM” disciplines (I’m lying about the math). But I question whether we need to be building K-12 schools that overly emphasize or are totally devoted to STEM.
Rob Cassidy | Feb 25, 2014

Building Team Awards 'Early Bird' deadline extended

Good news: We've extended the deadline for entries for our 17th Annual Building Team Awards to…