
GREENBUILD 2011: UL Environment releases industry-wide sustainability requirements for doors

Oct. 7, 2011

UL Environment Inc. announced it is releasing a new set of standard requirements, UL ISR 102, which will help gauge the environmental and human health impacts of door slabs, including those that are meant to swing, hang, or glide, and that the ASSA ABLOY Trio-E door is the first to be certified to these sustainability requirements.  

UL ISR 102 provides detailed requirements with which to evaluate the environmental impacts related to producing a variety of door types. The life cycle impact of doors is measured throughout the materials management, energy use, water use, manufacturing and operations, health and environment, product performance, product stewardship, and innovative practices of production.

These new guidelines will help architects, designers and LEED-APs select environmentally preferable swinging door slabs. BD+C

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