
Glass and Glazing | Bill O'Keeffe | Aug 17, 2015

Specialty tempered glass??

Tempered glass is an excellent choice for large expanses of glass that maximize clear views while providing significant wind load and thermal stress resistance.

Codes and Standards | Aug 6, 2015

AAMA updates methods for testing of exterior walls

The standard specifies test methods, specifications, and field checks to evaluate structural adequacy of exterior wall systems composed of curtain walls, storefronts, and sloped glazing.

Cultural Facilities | Jul 16, 2015

Louisville group plans to build world's largest disco ball

The sphere would more than double the size of the current record holder.

Green | Jun 8, 2015

Maryland tech firm is developing spray-on solar panels for windows

Made primarily out of hydrogen and carbon, the coating can turn see-through surfaces into solar panels.

Glass and Glazing | Jun 4, 2015

Construction of record breaking glass-bottom bridge nearly complete in China

Designed by Israeli architect Haim Dotan, the white bridge is meant to look as if it is “disappearing into the clouds.”

Jan 27, 2015

High-performance insulation brings design freedom, energy efficiency to urban redevelopment project

When developers of Uptown Bay City (Bay City, Mich.) began transforming the former industrial site into a mixed-use, self-sustaining riverfront community, they faced a design challenge. How could they incorporate greater expanses of glass to maximize views of the waterfront without the trade-off in energy efficiency?

Dec 30, 2014

First-class glass: Designing for fire safety in schools

As more students enter the school system each year, designing for fire safety in educational facilities has never been more critical. Fire-rated glazing can be a key part of the solution.

Fire-Rated Products | Dec 11, 2014

Fire rated glazing provides visual appeal and safety to garages

When it comes to designing parking garages, providing vision and transparency might not be the priority due to fire rated code requirements – but keen architects with grand visions see opportunities rather than restrictions, thanks to the advances in fire rated glass and framing technology.

Bill O'Keeffe | Nov 19, 2014

Fire resistive, blast-resistant glazing: Where security, safety, and transparency converge

Security, safety and transparency don’t have to be mutually exclusive thanks to new glazing technology designed to support blast and fire-resistant secure buildings. SPONSORED CONTENT
