
Contractors expect to spend more time on prefabrication, according to FMI study

Get ready for a surge in prefabrication activity by contractors. FMI, the consulting and investment banking firm, recently polled contractors about how much time they were spending, in craft labor hours, on prefabrication for construction projects. More than 250 contractors participated in the survey, and the average response to that question was 18%. More revealing, however, was the participants’ anticipation that craft hours dedicated to prefab would essentially double, to 34%, within the next five years.

AEC Tech

Lack of organizational readiness is biggest hurdle to artificial intelligence adoption

Managers of companies in the industrial sector, including construction, have bought the hype of artificial intelligence (AI) as a transformative technology, but their organizations are not ready to realize its promise, according to research from IFS, a global cloud enterprise software company. An IFS survey of 1,700 senior decision-makers found that 84% of executives anticipate massive organizational benefits from AI. 

AEC Tech | David Barista | Jun 27, 2016

If ‘only the paranoid survive,’ what does it take to thrive?

“Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change.” The late Andrew Grove (1936-2016), Co-founder of tech giant Intel Corp., lived by these words.

AEC Tech | Jun 17, 2016

Driverless cars could soon start impacting commercial, retail project design

Offsite parking and more space for valet parking lines are among the foreseeable changes.

3D Printing | Jun 14, 2016

By 2021, 3D concrete printing is projected to be a $56.4 million industry

The 3D concrete printing industry is expected to more than double in size within the next five years.

BIM and Information Technology | SmithGroup | Jun 13, 2016

The race to digitize the globe with 3D imagery

Tech firms are creating a highly-detailed virtual planet available instantly for those who would like to scrutinize it. SmithGroupJJR's Stephen Conschafter details the new technologies being used to map our world.

AEC Tech | Sasha Reed | Jun 9, 2016

With all these sharks in the water… (No Predictions Here...Part 2)

Rather than fighting to control the proliferation of apps, perhaps we should be training our eyes to look for signs of long-term viability among all the fins in the water

BIM and Information Technology | Jun 7, 2016

Conquer computational design: 5 tips for starting your journey

Data-driven design expert Nathan Miller offers helpful advice for getting your firm ready to use CD tools and concepts. 

BIM and Information Technology | Jun 7, 2016

6 ways smart AEC firms are using computational design methods

Rapid prototyping, custom plug-ins, and data dashboards are among the common applications for computational design.

AEC Tech | David Barista | May 31, 2016

As commercial buildings get ‘smarter,’ concerns rise over cybercrime

As buildings become increasingly connected, opportunistic hackers have countless avenues into a building’s network. 

AEC Tech | May 31, 2016

CannonDesign manages a $2 billion hospital design review with digital processes

Collectif Santé Montreal turns to Bluebeam Revu for project efficiency in establishing the largest hospital in Montreal.

3D Printing | May 26, 2016

Dubai opens world’s first 3D-printed office

The 2,690-sf structure took 17 days to print. City officials say the labor cost was only half as much as similar size conventional buildings.
